Creative, Inc.

This was a little hit and miss for me. The resources at the back are very helpful. Nothing was mind-blowingly new information. Some sections were awesome with good information in a clean, detailed format...and others went by so fast that I got whiplash. I think there was one short paragraph about copyright and rights? Kind of an important subject for a freelancer.
The other thing that bothered me was that the freelancer profiles were almost all for people who a) do work for huge, international companies, and b) got lucky and got big jobs as soon as they thought of becoming freelancers/graduated. While it was fun to read about, personally I'm not looking to get anywhere near that scale and it would have been nice to hear about all kinds of success, not just the kind whose story is, "...and then gosh, I just had to move to New York and get an agent because Nike wants to give me big wads of cash." It's awesome that that's their success story, but there are other kinds of success stories.
All in all a worthwhile read if you're wanting to start freelancing, but you can obtain much of the same information in more detail on the internet. There are some wonderful self promotion videos with members of Periscope Studio that have practical information about pricing and how each of them got started. Also, Austin Kleon's books and website are a wealth of just-get-out-there-and-do-it freelancer knowledge and motivation.